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Location: BC, Canada

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Sand Dunes in Oregon - Post 1

Sand dunes come in many shapes and forms and can be found along most of the Oregon Coast - the most dramatic can be found between Cannon Beach in the north and Brookings in the South. Sometimes they are limited to a few hundred meters from the ocean, others can be found miles inland. Some change constantly; while others are very stable and support forests of large trees. This series of photos shows the stages of development from grasses stabilizing the dune, to small and then larger bushes and finally trees. The photo of the mall parking lot miles inland shows the potential size of dunes and how far inland they can be found.

They can be used for walking, hiking and quiet lunches like this $3.00 picnic lunch.

Or they can be used for much more intrusive sports like horseback riding and all terrain vehichles (ATV). There is of course a different culture around each sport and the culture of the ATV involves flashy clothes, big R-Vs and noisy two stroke engines.